Since the COVID-19 pandemic landed on our shores early last year, more and more people are requiring assistance be it financially or just to have a meal. 7-Eleven Malaysia, like many other corporates, NGO’s and members of the public, has been doing all that they can to assist the marginalised and less-fortunate communities all across the country.
To date, 7-Eleven has collectively contributed more than RM1.6 million worth of essentials, from test-kits, personal protective equipment, groceries and foodstuff to various beneficiaries nationwide and driven by the desire to Always Be There For You, 7-Eleven is calling on the community to support its Kotak Putih Campaign that seeks to channel contributions received directly to needy individuals, families and charity bodies within the immediate community area that each and every 7-Eleven store serves all across Malaysia.
7-Eleven Malaysia’s General Manager of Marketing, Ronan Lee said, “By leveraging upon our wide network of stores across the country, we hope to bring convenience for everybody to extend a helping hand to others in your local community that are in need. A simple contribution of any item, from cream crackers to a can of sardine would make a difference to the recipients.”
“When distributing the contributions received, we strive to keep the recipients informed that the contribution was made possible through the generosity of the community who come together in the spirit of #KitaJagaKita to help those whom have been less-fortunate. As the situation remains unpredictable presently, our Kotak Putih collection box will be displayed until the current situation has abated and all contributions received disbursed out to those in need of help. We hope that the Kotak Putih Campaign can get the snowball-of-generosity rolling during these challenging times,” Lee added.
Managing Director of NGOHub, Chun Wah Hoo, said, “We are extremely thrilled to work with 7-Eleven Malaysia in the disbursement of donated items by connecting them with charitable organisations and struggling households nationwide. We hope that the Kotak Putih Campaign will serve our community and hope that this donation drive nationwide would ease the burden as we render necessary aid to those in need.”
For more information on Kotak Putih Campaign, please visit or follow 7ElevenMalaysia on Facebook and Instagram.