A very simple sharing yet a bit joke but has meaning of its own. Would like to share with you, my fellow readers. Feel free to read this...
Uikkk.... hehehe... love can't be judge actually. In this case, the husband and wife using cell phone and simcard as their symbols of love. At a glance, I didn't get the point, but when I read it slowly, only then I understood the meaning. Hahahaha...

Ok faham..hihihi
ReplyDeleteterima kasih izan..
ReplyDeletememang pun sue... huhuhu
DeleteAssalammualaikum...kak mia,
ReplyDeletecinta tu memang unik dan tidak boleh dinilai dengan kata2,hanya yang memahami erti cinta, dan mengalaminya sahaja memahami apa itu cinta. Cinta itu memerlukan pengorbananan dan kesetiaan.
pls: pandangan sahaja tak semestinya betul ..
cinta pada bunga, bunga akan layu,
cinta pada manusia , manusia akan mati
cinta pada Allah, itulah cinta yang hakiki..
waalaikumussalam.... wahhh hebatnya kata2 mselim ni.. terima kasih ya..
DeleteHai mia....i like the joke....cheering my morning! May i share?
ReplyDeleteyes... you may...
ReplyDeletethanks ya anum.. petang ya..
DeleteHaha, this is really funny! Most of the smartphones come with dual SIM now. :D
ReplyDeletedual sim good enough lor..hahahaha
Deletewahhh... SD.. you got the point there... hahaha..
Deletewahhh wafa... u're using dual simcard ya.... gotcha... hehehe
Deletehehe... funny ;)
ReplyDeletetq ya alycia..
Deletehahahah....bagusla hp dia ada 4 sim slot.....i like
ReplyDeletetu la... layansss...
DeleteAssalamualaikum kak mia. hahaahahaha ada udang disebalik batu ;p
ReplyDeletewaalaikumussalam sheila... haah.. udang main sembunyi2 ni... hehehe
Deletehehehe..kuang asam tol la....joke di pagi hari..don't take it serious ya...hehehe
ReplyDeletejoke yang ringan je ni... hehe.. no heart feeling..
DeleteHaha...isnin yang mengembirakan...leh buat ceria sikit..
ReplyDeletehaah... kasi mood baik punya..
DeleteHuahuahua....i'am using dual sim card phone.
ReplyDeleteuikkk huhuhu.... pakai 1 simcard je ya..
DeleteJgn la jadi cenggini... Huhu... But...mmg beat joke.. Modern joke..
ReplyDeleteala2 moden ni... hihihi.. layannn..
DeleteHampeh punya husband. Haha
ReplyDeletetu la... wat sakit hati je...
Deletehebat betul hp dia ye.. :-)
ReplyDeletetu la... ada 4 sim card tu... huhuh
Deletehahahahaha amboi 4 sim card ha hihihihi
ReplyDeletetu la pasal... qilah... hehehe
DeleteFaham2.. hehe
ReplyDeleteokay faham juga...hehehe..
ReplyDeletemacam2 juga ya :D
ReplyDeletehaah la.. lya..
Deletehahaha... chinese phone.. 4 sim card.. ok fine ==
ReplyDeleteterfikir juga... ada ke... hihihihi
Deletetanya sama hati... jangan tanya sama pokok...ngeee
ReplyDeletebetul tu YB..
Deletehahahaha... this is just great!!!! nice one Mia :D
ReplyDeletethanks wafa.... wahhh suka la tu... hihihi
Deletehaha . hamboi >.<
ReplyDeletelawak kannn anis... suka la kaum lelaki... hehehe
Deleteblh plk mcm tu..haha
ReplyDeleteboleh juga la tu... hehehe
Deleteassalamualaikum mia...wah !! bukan main lg...:)
ReplyDeletewaalaikumussalam mama.... haah kan... wat geram je ni..
Deleteerk ?? =D
ReplyDeleteok.. speechless la tu... hehehe
Deleteok..faham maksudnye..hehe
ReplyDeletetq ya fizah..