My New Hobby This Year

First of all, please allow me to write this blog post in English. It's been such a long time.... for me after finished my study at Open University Malaysia. Really missed English so much.

As for this year, I started to read any articles or online books regarding future science. Really interesting, enjoy exploring new things and furthermore having new friends. I know, it really sounds a bit weird to you, my fellow readers but I am now getting in love with future science.  In which it is really different from my background... information technology (IT).

Well... no worries.... sometimes when IT makes you bored, you should get rid of it and advisable to do other things which is not related to IT... and as for me, I choose future science... 

Be happy... cheerio (^_^)

oh... my English...

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  1. wah..saya pun suka jugak sains2 ni..cuma sekarang termasuk dalam bidang muzik..

  2. saya tak pernah blogging in english sebab agak lemah

  3. Hahahaha... woww!!!! great... now i have a company :D

  4. Wow !! new hobby not hubby...huhuhu

  5. Having a hobby,any hobby is good...a great way to de-stress.

  6. Future science...sounds interesting! :)

  7. Future science quite an interesting subject that is.. sometimes tough as well hehe.. wish u a great pleasure with your new hobby Mia.. :)
