Guess what! Finally I received the P1 Bag after almost 2 weeks being postponed. A friend of mine had an outstation in Putrajaya and collect the prize for me. Hmmm... what do you think? The bag is very nice and sweet in pink + black colour. Simple and easy.

Oh... for those who don't know yet... You can refer to my previous post here. Thanks a lot Project Alpha...
waa..dpt beg..bestnya..tahniah2..;)
ReplyDeletecantik cantik..
ReplyDeletepink colour...=)
pink kaler, i likeee :) tak suka kasi la i ye hhe.
ReplyDeletegler cute arh kaler pink. seswai gitu. auw!
ReplyDeletesalam,mia cne nk join pojek alpha tu~
ReplyDeletei tgk org yg join contest nuff mcm senang je nk menang. i tk pernah join sbb i rasa i slalu unlucky. haha
ReplyDeletetq... kena sentiasa check question kat page instant cash blogging.
ReplyDeletefatin dari dluw x faham pasai cntst ni hehe
ReplyDeletetpi cntik beh pink 2
sgt2 hehehe
fatin suka pink :D